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miniTopcolors 42 Polish Spitfires – Maciej Góralczyk, Janusz Światłoń – ISBN 978-83-62878-06-2
A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 8 various Spitfires of Polish Squadrons. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn 4-view colour profiles and thoroughly described in the 20 page guidebook with English and Polish text. The selection contains the following aircraft:
- Spitfire IIa (P8387) coded PK-H of No. 315 (Deblinski) Squadron, Northolt, August 1941,
- Spitfire I (X4828) coded RF-K of No. 303 (Kosciusco) Squadron, flown by F/L Wojciech Kołaczkowski, Speke, September 1941,
- Spitfire Vb (AA853) coded WX-C of No. 302 (Poznanski) Squadron, Croydon, early July 1942,
- Spitfire F.IX (BS456) coded UZ-Ż of No. 306 (Torunski) Squadron, flown by F/L Józef Żulikowski, Northolt, autumn 1942,
- Spitfire F.IX (EN179) coded SZ-J of No. 316 (Warszawski) Squadron, flown by F/L Władysław Gnyś, Northolt, spring 1943,
- Spitfire F.IX (MH353) coded WX-K of No. 302 (Poznanski) Squadron, Northolt, autumn 1943,
- Spitfire LF.IX (TA864) coded LW-L of No. 318 (Gdanski) Squadron, flown by P/O Zdzisław Uchwat, Risano near Udine, May-June 1945,
- Spitfire LF.XVI (maybe TB898) coded JH-L of No. 317 (Wilenski) Squadron, Ahlhorn, late 1945.