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  • Code: 07-1e
  • Weight: 0.5 kg
  • Availability: unavailable
  • €9.19
  • szt.
    Out of stock
Nr 7
Author: Mariusz Suliga, George Parada, Waldemar Hryniewicki
Pages: 58
Format: A-4

28 color ones
102 photos
3D scale drawings!
9 color drawings

Pz.Kpfw. Ivclassified by Germans as a heavy tank was the most numerously produced vehicle. The first battles on Eastern Front against KW-1 and T-34 forced German Army to build heavier tanks. Germans started development of a new tank, far more heavier than PANZER IV. TIGER VI Kingtiger was among them. In one of German chronicles, which showed German offensive in Ardens the speaker described tanks visible on the screen: “This is the best weapon given by German nation to its soldiers.”

Success of Tiger II proofed his words…

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